^_^ migme Funny Moments
After so long I am posting some moments of my migme life.
Where I have included some Screenshoot with chat log. I have collected those as
my Best moments with my friends and if you feel sad or bored than you are most
welcome here to read them all. I guess you will feel good.
If I count as categorized than it could be more good to have
all but the thing Is , last I have shared my e-mail to get other friend’s Funny
Moments. So that I could post. Alas !! I had got but unfortunately I have lost
them. If I could share than I will do it as soon as possible.
Screenshot 1
Title :migme LowCard Game FUN
There were running a lowcard game and I was in their. A user
“@abo._.Jaber” Wanted to get “K” and same like as User “@Dragon_killer” wanted
same Card and after drew they have got 4
and 3 :D That was really a fun in that gaming moment.
Screenshot 2
Title :migme LeveL 121
In a chat, I was roaming and were chatting… suddenly
“@Pink_vi” has entered and started to talk about “my mig level hang gang BLa
bla” !! We were having fun with him too and when I told that he have 120 and
this is GOOD , After that he did a gift shower and left the chat , He got
another miglevel :D but he just left because he was talking about level hang !!
Screenshot 3
Title :SheMale :D
I was roaming in migmetsuga Bro’s Chatroom and there I have
found “@miss_lon3lyy” addressing herself as SheMale :D That was really shocking
and Funny :D
Screenshot 4
Title :mig emoicon and Hair style !
Some one was explaining mig emoicons.
What is mig emoicon? --- Its can express our emotion and
another one told “most of mig emoIcons have no Hairs” So damn true and #Funny.
Its made my day #LOL
If you liked really than I am expecting for your response. I
would like to hearing from you, where I can give you more entertainment from my
http://mig.me Life-Style !
Contact :
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