Aqua is the Latin word for water. Aqua a greenish blue color, a variation of the color cyan. Aqua is more green than it is blue. The web color aqua is identical to the web color cyan, also sometimes called electric cyan, one of the three secondary colors of the RGB color model used on computer and television displays. In the HSV color wheel aqua is precisely halfway between green and blue.
Aqua from Latin:
aqua for water.Aquamarine is
a color
that is a bluish tint
of cerulean
toned toward cyan.
It is known as being the color of sea foam green. Although Aqua is more to the
green spectrum, Aquamarine is a more deep green, perhaps a darker color of
Aqua. It is named after the mineral aquamarine,
a gemstone
mainly found in granite
rocks. The first recorded use of aquamarine as a color name in English
was in 1598
The color Aqua is a
comparison to Cyan except Aqua is lighter with a more neon tone, it is closer
to the green spectrum although Aqua is mistaken for a blue color, it is misread
as turquoise since turquoise is more to the blue spectrum.
The words "aqua" and "cyan"
are used interchangeably in computer
graphics, and especially web design,
to refer to the additive secondary color "cyan". Both
colors are made exactly the same way on a computer screen, by combining green
and blue light at equal and full intensiity on a black screen. Traditionally
that color, defined as #00FFFF in hex,
or (0,255,255) in RGB,
is called "cyan", but X11 color
names introduced the alternative name "aqua". Later, W3C popularized the name
by using it in the named color palette of HTML 3.2
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