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MigMe Groups And Its Features !!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Who can use Group Chat Room Commands?
You need to be either an owner or moderator of a Group to use these Commands.

Who can create Groups? How many Groups can I have?
You need to have migLevel 20 or above to create a Group. Different migLevels are allowed to create different number of Groups. The maximum number of Groups one can create is 20 and a user is allowed to join an unlimited number of Groups.

Where can Group Owner and moderators use the Group Chat Room commands?
The Group Chat Room commands can be used in your own Group’s Chat Rooms, including the default lobby Chat Room and all linked Chat Rooms. Group Chat Room Commands cannot be used in Global Chat Rooms which are not linked to any Group.

What are Group Chat Rooms and how many Chat Rooms can you have?
When a Group Chat Rooms are rooms that are linked to your Group. Group owners and moderators can link their own Chat Rooms to the group. The number of Chat Rooms a Group can link is tied with the Group owner. The number of Group Chat Rooms that can be linked to a Group is determined by the owner’s migLevel. The group owner and all its moderators will automatically become admins and moderators of all its linked chatrooms.

Who can become moderators in a Group? How many moderators can I have in my Group?
The owner can select and promote Group members to moderators. Users need to be at least migLevel 10 to be promoted as a moderator. Group moderators will help the owner manage and maintain the linked Chat Rooms, forum posts and other content in the Group. The number of moderators a Group can have is determined by the owner’s migLevel. 

 migLevels and Group Benefits


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