The migme Lifestyle

Keep Watching

Morning ........

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Morning is the period of time between dawn and noon.
Morning precedes
afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise (5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.)

The name (which comes from the Middle English word morwening) was formed from the analogy of evening using the word "morn" (in Middle English morwen), and originally meant the coming of the sunrise as evening meant the beginning of the close of the day. The Middle English morwen dropped over time and became morwe, then eventually morrow, which properly means "morning", but was soon used to refer to the following day (i.e. tomorrow"), as in other Germanic languages—English is unique in restricting the word to the newer usage. The Spanish word "mañana" has two meanings in English: "morning," and "tomorrow," along with the word "morgen" in Dutch and German which also means both "morning," and "tomorrow." Max Weber, (General Economic History, pp23) states that the English word "morning" and the German word "Morgen" both signify the size of land strip "which an ox could plow in a day without giving out". "Tagwerk" in German, and "a day's work" in English mean the same. A Good morning in this sense might mean a good day's plow.

Dear Friend !!
Your Remaining
Sleeping Time
Has been Expired
Leave your Bed
Open your Eyes
And see your Mobile
I wish U

Good Morning *_*

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